The Esthetician course is a 600 hour course which takes approximately 4 months to complete for full-time students.
You learn, in depth, the basics of:
- electrical facials
- chemical peels
- waxing
- make-up
- microdermabrasion
- hot stone massage
…and more.
This course is designed to teach the basic skills you need to receive your state license and begin your career in esthetics.
Aesthetician_Esthetician and Skin Care Specialist Gainful Employment Disclos2018
I want more info. I have completed my fafsa
Im interested in more info please!
I will email you some information Amanda:)
When is the next orientation for esthetics classes?
November 5th at 10am.
I’m interested in more information. Please contact me.
Hi Vanessa, I will email you some information about the classes.
When does the classes start
I am interested in more information. can you please email me?
If I want to start in January when should I do a orientation and the entry test?
Hi Tiffany, orientation is January 7 at 10am.
I will be attending the orientation on the 7th, may i be emailed more information asap, please.
I would like more information on the esthetics program (: thanks!
I will like to get more information about the esthetics course. Thanks
Am requesting more info regarding esthetician classes
Hello can you tell me when the next edthetician classes are?
Hi Savannah, the next orientation is July 1 at 10am, and class will start July 14.
Is being at orientation mandatory I won’t be back in town till the 5th. I already went there for cosmetology School but didn’t graduate
If you have already been to orientation you don’t have to go again. Just make an appointment to get enrolled. We actually changed orientation to July 7.
I would like to know a little bit more about the Esthetics Program. What’s the cost of the program? How long is the program?
Hi Brianna, the class cost is $4,100 altogether. Financial aid is available if you qualify. It usually takes about 4-6 months to complete.
I need to know when the next set of classes start.
Hi Katie, the next orientation is Sept 2 at 10am, and the class starts Sept 8.
If I were to start it would be 2016 school year. I have not worked on a Fasfa yet, I am browsing schools right now. I would like to find what the full time and part time class schedules are got the Esthetics program. I would be commuting and needing to do this around school for my kids and a work schedule. any Info emailed to me would be great. Thank you
Hi Eva, here are the schedules you can choose:
(Tuesday through Saturday)
Part-time: 8:30am to 12:30pm
3/4-time: 8:30am to 3:00pm
Full-time: 8:30am to 5:00pm
Hello, interested in more information.
Hi Paige, I will email you some information.
Hello, I am interested in the Esthetics program and would appreciate more information. I am projected to finish my degree and minor at UC Merced spring 2017, which is mid May. I am especially curious about when I would be able to join the program if I would be potentially starting in May. In addition, could I have clarification about what is the entrance exam?
best regards,
Hi Juanita, the start date for the esthetician class for May, 2017 will probably be May 16. We start a new class every other month. The entrance exam is basic reading comprehension. It’s very easy and only a few questions long.
Hi, I will like to learn more about esthetician class
I’m interested to know about your school?
I have question complete 100 hours Esthetics from out of state and would like to know if It can roll over to your school?
Hello Mayra,
Yes you can, we would just need your proof of training from your old school.
Hello when is the next orientation? I missed the one in january.
Hi Marisol,
March 1st at 10am.
thank you.
Hi my name is Mayra I like to know more of your program.
Esthetics , I’m from out of state and I have 200 hours complete, I like to know if it’s transferable.
Thank you