

Esthetics (Skin Care)



Note: Those enrolling in a crossover course must have received their license from which program they are crossing over from. For example a Cosmetologist must receive their license prior to enrolling in the crossover Barbering program.


  1. Jessica says:

    I have been looking into your school and I was wondering if all 3 classes were offered at the same time or all at different times. I have been looking into the cosmetology, esthetics, and manicurist class. And also, do most students do all 3 classes?

        • Candace says:

          Classes are from Tues-Sat, 8:30am-3:00pm. You can also stay till 5:00pm if you want to graduate sooner, and we do excuse students who are working to leave at 12:30pm. The program is 1600 clock hours, and it usually takes students about a year to complete, coming 30 hours a week.

    • Candace says:

      Hi Liz, if you have your manicuring license you can transfer 290 hours to the cosmetology class. Going 40 hours a week, it will take you about 33 weeks to graduate. Going 30 hours a week, you’ll graduate in about 44 weeks.

  2. jessica says:

    Hi I was wondering right now I am 2 1/2 months pregnant I already have some hours from my old school that can still be added would I be able to start n take a little time after I have my baby and return after? I know not to long just wondering because I would love to finish

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